Category Archives: Family

Summer Days » Langley Lifestyle Photographer

Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet baby James! This is a pretty standard position for him – on his haunches. And this is a standard pose for our ‘worker’, Mattias. He’s always leaning up against something. Crawling between the kale plants with a big toothy smile. Big moves on the trampoline. Photo bombing his brother…

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  • Leona - Oh karin! Such sweet pictures! Seriously, Mattias is looking way too grown up here! He sure is changing! And James, what a mix of his brothers! I am looking so foward to babysitting your guys again…Mattias makes me laugh and I can’t wait to get to know James!ReplyCancel

Hansma Family » Fort Langley Family Photographer

This is the third time that the Hansma family has been in front of my camera. I am thrilled that we had this fabulous sunshine, even if it was a little chilly out. I am also thrilled that she asked me to take photos of her family again, especially since it was a whirlwind trip…


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  • Jessica - Oh my goodness, I’m so happy with how they turned out!! Thank you Karin, I LOVE them all! That door rocks! I’m thrilled we got so lucky weather-wise too! Now I’m gonna go back and take a nice slooooow look through again 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Wenda - Such beautiful, fun photos. Love the pop of colour their clothing gives!ReplyCancel

7 weeks old Maddox » South Surrey Lifestyle Family Photographer

Here’s the newest member of the W family. Mr. Maddox. We hung out for a lovely Saturday afternoon last week. I love these images we captured of your family and your sweet 7 week old baby!


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  • Jete - Love these Karin! You sure have a knack for lifestyle sessions 🙂 And that is one stylin mama!!ReplyCancel

  • Alyssa - Just seeing this now… what a beautiful session Karin! You nailed it for sure… they will treasure these pictures forever I’m sure. Lovely.ReplyCancel

What October looked like » Langley Lifestyle Photography

As usual, the first half of October was gorgeous and sunny. We spent every second outside that we could. Harvesting the apple tree. This photo makes me smile. Art picking apples. Mattias checking out the strawberries and Noah babbling to James in the bouncy seat. Playing “Lady and the Tramp” with dad. And with Opa….

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Ayanna » Port Moody Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

If only all newborns were this easy! This little sweetheart slept and slept and slept through everything. Outfit changes, nursing, new poses and location changes. There’s one photo in here where dad is trying to open her eyes with his finger. The very last diaper change woke her up and then she was not so…

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