Category Archives: Family

Justin & Jackie » Langley Engagement Photography

I’m thrilled to have booked a couple of weddings for this upcoming summer. I’m looking to book a couple more, so please contact me if you’re looking for a wedding photographer!!! I love how wonderful and wintry and beautifully sunny this session is especially in the midst of our rainy season. We started at 10:30…

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What August Looked Like » Langley Lifestyle Family Photographer

After completing the 52 week Personal Project in 2011, people immediately asked if I would do another personal project. Say what? I barely finished this last project. The idea was daunting and I definitely needed a break. The timing for a break worked well because shortly after I had the book printed, I was pregnant….


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  • Nicole - Wow – GREAT photos. I think you picked up the camera a lot that month! I LOVE the photo of Noah (?) and James ….where James looks like he’s …well ….scared? (just before the first pic of Art and the boys by the tree). LOVE!ReplyCancel

  • Alicia Louwerse - KARIN!! These are amazing. I kept scrolling though thinking “Oh that one is my favourite….oh wait…no this one” The ones in the tall grass are magical.ReplyCancel

  • Lindsay - As always, amazing…I’m completely jealous that you can take such fabulous pictures and with a new born too!ReplyCancel

  • Marta - You are one blessed mama Karin – wonderful family photos! I miss our coffee dates at Starbucks very much. Have a wonderful Christmas with Art and the boys.ReplyCancel

  • Kristy K - Ah summer!!! beautiful pics. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Opa Van der Heide - Splendid photography and a gorgeous e-album.ReplyCancel

Hudson Isaac » Abbotsford Lifestyle Newborn Photographer

He’s the most recent addition to the clan. Mr. Hudson Isaac Louwerse. What a sweetie. While Hudson is quite the chunky monkey (read: 10 lbs 9 oz), he is still oh-so little. I had fun taking photos in their new space. Joni did a great job decorating. I love that photo wall gallery behind them…

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  • Alicia Louwerse - I love the feel of these photos, they are beautiful! I especially like the one of Ed & Joni & Hudson at the very end. And the one of Hudson in the box! So cute!ReplyCancel

And then there were four » South Surrey Family Photographer

It’s so fun to meet up with clients a second time around. Adorable baby Lucas is now an adorable toddler / preschooler. I can never tell when that transition happens β€” the toddler to preschooler one β€” it just kind of does. Lucas also has a new baby sister Quinn! How sweet is she? I…


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  • Krisy Klaassen - love the one of mom/baby laying on the grass!!!ReplyCancel

  • Heather - Great job Karin! Loooove the little feet shot, so girlie! πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Audrey - some incredibly beautiful shots Karin! The big b/w one of the two kids and Mom and Baby on the grass. So pretty.ReplyCancel

  • Monica Dugdale - Oh my gosh, I love this family!! Beautiful shots guys xoxo.ReplyCancel

  • Denise - Awesome pics!!! Beautiful family πŸ™‚ Lucas is just growing up so much.ReplyCancel

  • Wenda - So beautiful! Love the sibling shots!ReplyCancel

  • Tasha McRae - Gorgeous! you’ve done a really great job again Karin. Can’t wait to have you back to recapture our family some sometime soon.ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie Canino - My favourite is the love between mom and dad, it is so obvious and very precious, congrats!!!ReplyCancel

  • Marlies - Love the pictures of Lucas through the leaves… beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Leona - And yet another set of beautiful pictures! great job Karin!ReplyCancel

  • Rachel - So many beautiful shots! Love the mother and daughter one on the grass especially πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Alana - Love these photos!ReplyCancel

  • Donna Somerville - Well how about that – I accessed your website Karen looking for the link to this photo session. I am Lucas and Quinn’s grandmother and was just asking Janelle today if it was still possible to review those pictures again. Would you, please, send me a link?ReplyCancel

Ludwig Family » Aldergrove Family Photographer

This session is a long time in coming. A long time as in years. Rachel photographed part of my wedding over 8 years ago. She also documented Noah and Mattias as newborns and most recently our family of 5. So, yes, it’s about time she was in front of my camera. To be honest, I’ve…


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  • Krisy Klaassen - GOODNESS!!! Karin, these are awesome!!! LOVE them all.
    And Rach, your family is soooo good looking! πŸ™‚ xoReplyCancel

  • Rachel - Eeeeeekkkk!!!! Karin, I LOVE these!! Love how you captured our family so perfectly. These just feel like us. I am beyond thrilled and so excited to have these! Thank you thank you thank you. πŸ™‚ I am grinning from ear to ear!ReplyCancel

  • char - These are amazing as always, Karin! Can’t wait to get behind your lens with my family someday!! πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • tamsen - oh wow!!! I loved the first ones with those killer red shoes, but then I saw the black, white and hot pink ones…and they are all killer too! LOVE!ReplyCancel

  • Wenda - Karin, wow! These are all so so perfect! Rachel you have a beautiful family!ReplyCancel

  • Tin - these are beautiful, such amazing family pics!! (good to be here again πŸ˜‰ReplyCancel
