Third Week of February » Aldergrove Family Photographer

Post #37 of personal project 52 weeks.

Aldergrove Family Photographer

* He sure loves his techno gear.

* Art’s hand-therapy contraptions: splints, tensor bandages, finger socks, laces, finger straightener-outer. I’m missing the fluorescent pink therapy play dough in the photo. Early this month, Art was released from the doctor’s care for his hand injury. His hand therapist suggested that he get a second opinion and we are glad that we did. Art will be going into surgery mid-March and the new hand specialist is confident that he will regain much of his mobility. Likely, there will be multiple surgeries. The first one to remove all the pins from his hand and rebreak his finger and possibly a second surgery to do some bone grafting. The therapy will be intense. The day after the surgery Art is to undergo a massive therapy session to ensure that the scar tissue doesn’t grow and ‘lock’ up the mobility.

* Noah taking a much hated shower.

* Because he had an ‘accident’ of the poopy variety.

* He looks so much older with glasses.

* I’m not sure what to say about the potty training. He is nearly 4 years old. We officially started in August, exactly half a year ago. When we went to Osoyoos in September, Noah hopped out of the car after a 5 hour drive, went straight to the toilet and proceeded to have NO accidents the entire week while we were on vacation. We were hopeful. We drove home, and first thing he did when he arrived home: a BM in his underwear. Then for 4 months, not a single poop in the toilet. I cleaned many soiled underwears. It was frustrating and gross. During all this time he was fairly good with pees on the toilet. Not accident free but tolerable. We tried the two categories of tactics: rewards (treats, toys), punishment (we took away the TV, we even took away Lego at one point, a shower after every accident — which is necessary but Noah considered a punishment). Ultimately, he was unwilling. No amount of talking, explaining or convincing would change his mind. Then about one month ago, we had a break through. Art caught him in the act and plopped him on the toilet and there it was: in the toilet. He was so proud of himself. Then every week / every other week. Then he would go on his own. We are now at a 50% success rate. I’ll take it. With thankfulness.

* Counting on the stairs for Hide ‘n Seek.


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  • Angela - We had so much trouble with one of ours as well, and looking back I think maybe we stressed her out a little bit by all the talking and frustration we had. Our expectations maybe were too high and she couldn’t live up to them so she just didn’t even try. (she was almost 5 before our breakthrough happened so it lasted almost 2 years) I still don’t really know…..on a plus note, Ryan was a breeze comparatively so maybe Mattias will be easy! 😀ReplyCancel

  • Dad - There must be a reason why a page was left open on my screen when I wanted to check a few things on my computer. Art’s surgery my birthday gift. Karin and Art you both are so thoughtful and considerate. It makes me think that this date was picked, so you could say on my birthday, remember it is …. years ago we had a fix to Art’s finger? Oh, it does not matter. What does, is this that the work of the physicians may be blessed so that you may enjoy all ten again. Nice, no splendid photography and a good read as well! Congratulations.ReplyCancel

  • jennifer armstrong - Love the middle shower shot & the one below of him lying on the stairs. Sweet, sweet, sweet.ReplyCancel

  • Nadine Bysterveld - Karin Im so sorry to hear about Art’s hand and the long road ahead of you guys! Hopefully potty training continues to improve… not looking forward to the day I have to start that, yikes. 🙂ReplyCancel
