Harold & Alicia » Langley Family Photographer

Planning photo sessions are never easy. Every year I’m reminded when we have our own family photos taken, how much time and effort are expended on something that appears relatively easy. Particularly coming up with the right outfits. I spent at least 3 days shopping and still ended up just wearing my original, found-it-in-my-wardrobe outfit. And the decision between my-kids-are-best-in-the-morning and the-evening-light-is-wonderful is a bit of a toss up. But when it all comes together, it IS so worth it.

And Alicia rocked the outfits! Love the bright colors. When in doubt, go bright!!! πŸ™‚

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

Snuggle-buggles. πŸ™‚

Langley Family Photographer

Tickles and dog-piles are pretty common.

Langley Family Photographer

Too cute right?

Langley Family Photographer

Looks like Lucas is on a mission and Caleb is having a blast.

Langley Family Photographer

I love a family that doesn’t mind to get a little dirty or wet!

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

I love this one of Lucas.

Langley Family Photographer

Langley Family Photographer

And last but not least, a couple photos of just Harold and Alicia. Such a good looking couple!

Langley Family Photographer

Thanks for looking!


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  • Jessica - Great job Karin! What amazing pictures!!ReplyCancel

  • shereee - Love them! What a fun family!ReplyCancel

  • Alicia Louwerse - I love them all Karin! They are beautiful.
    I wish I had done even more colour, it’s crazy how in pictures it looks way less bright πŸ˜‰ReplyCancel

  • char - these are phenomenal, wow!! its hard to pick a solid favorite but i LOVE the one with lucas hugging leesh and the one of lucas all on his own. plus that one under the bridge (?) where alicia is looking coyly at harold! SO cute! πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Justine Russo - Karin these are gorgeous!!! Alicia I can’t believe how big your boys are! Such a good lookin’ family! πŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Brittney - Love them!! I can’t believe how ‘grown up’ Caleb looks!ReplyCancel

  • Bep - well done,very nice!ReplyCancel
